Please read this Data Privacy Notice and Consent Statement (the “Notice”) carefully before signing up for a Dow virtual event hosted on 6Connex.
If you choose to attend the virtual event, Dow will ask you to provide the following categories of your personal data and information: name, Dow ID, business email, activity in system, business address, and potentially video and chat activity (collectively, “Your Data”). Dow will collect and process Your Data for the following purposes: to host virtual events for employees or external attendees.
Dow will store Your Data in 6Connex and Eloqua for some external attendees. Access to Your Data is limited to Dow business teams on a need-to-know basis (collectively, “Authorized Recipients”). Your Data may be accessible to certain Authorized Recipients at Dow’s other locations around the globe. Dow ill store Your Data for no longer than is necessary to achieve the purposes listed above, a period which shall not exceed 3 years.
The legal justification for Dow to collect, control, store, transfer, use and otherwise process (“Process”) Your Data varies by jurisdiction but generally is that such Processing is based on your consent or the legitimate business interests of Dow.
For more information about Dow’s data privacy practices, including about certain data subject rights that may apply to you under applicable law, please refer to Dow’s Privacy Statement and to Dow’s Data Protection/Privacy Policy, the Global Employee Privacy Notice and the Europe Employee Privacy Notice. For any data privacy questions, or to exercise any rights that may apply to you under applicable law—including, where applicable, the right to withdraw your consent—please contact Dow’s Data Privacy Team at You may submit a data subject access (or deletion) request by filling out the form located here.
For all other questions about Dow customer and business events, please contact